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  About BRGB

BRGB is a non government initiative which organises and coordinates individual, institutional, sub-regional, national and international bodies and NGOs in the form of supporting taxonomic research in relation to biodiversity of Bangladesh by undertaking research and developing taxonomic tools through the cooperation of experts within SACNET (South Asian Cooperation Network for Taxonomy), a part of the CABI-BioNET-INTERNATIONAL.

Initiative for the formation of BRGB

The first idea for the formation of such type of research group was initiated by Professor B. A. Bhuiya of Chittagong University. With this idea in mind he participated in a workshop organised by BioNET-INTERNATIONAL, a global network for taxonomy, held in Cardiff, UK in 1995. Professor Bhuiya's proposal was to establish a regional Network in South Asia. He was nominated Interim National Coordinator for SACNET-Bangladesh in 1999 at the 2nd global Workshop of BioNET-INTERNATIONAL held in UK. In June 2000 the Government of Bangladesh formally endorsed Professor Bhuiya’s nomination. During September 2000, BRGB ad-hoc committee was formed at the University of Chittagong and he was named as Convener. BRGB began its official activities by organising 1st Biodiversity Workshop on 7th January, 2002 at the University of Chittagong which was jointly sponsored by BioNET-INTERNATIONAL and the University of Chittagong.


Executive Committee of BRGB (2020 – 2022)



Professor Badrul Amin Bhuiya, PhD
Former Professor of Zoology, University of Chittagong

Vice Chairman   Professor M. Kamal Pasha, PhD
Former Professor of Botany, University of Chittagong
Secretary   Dr. Shieikh Abdul Mannan,
Retired Director, Livestck Office, Dhaka

Joint Secretary

Professor Neamul Naser
Dhaka University.



Professor Md. Ismail Miah, PhD
Department of Zoology, University of Chittagong

Professor Kamal Hossain, PhD
Institute of Forestry, University of Chittagong



Professor Ghazi Syed Md. Asmat, PhD
Department of Zoology, University of Chittagong



Professor Monwar Hossain, PhD
Department of Zoology, Jahangirnagar University



Professor AMAM Zonaed Siddiki, PhD
Department of Pathology, CVASU



Mr. Md. Shawkat Hossain,



Dr. Mahmuda Begum,
Associate Professor, TT College, Chattogram



Mr. Md. Kamruzzaman, Scientific Officer,Ecology,
Forestry and Biodiversity Division, CEGIS, Dhaka



Dr. Santosh Mazumdar, Biodiversity Expert, BRGB



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